Symbaroum: Monsterkodex Swedish

Symbaroum: Monsterkodex HARDCOVER RPG BOOK game monster codex! SWEDISH LANGUAGE 

Audio Book 


Fria Ligan 



Symbaroum: Monsterkodex (aka Monster Codex)

Swedish language hardcover book monster codex for the Role-playing game
. Great condition! Awesome artwork. Could always use the translator on your phone if you want to translate the book into english, but would take some work.

The Symbaroum Monster Codex makes the settlements, woods and vales of the Davokar region more dangerous than ever before! More than a hundred creatures, monsters and abominations are crammed together between these covers – some of them well known, others only mentioned in legends and fairy tales; some unstoppably hungry, others open to negotiations; some presented in detail, others with only short descriptions. Combined with the guidelines on how to create creatures of your own, the content of this bestiary should provide material for hundreds of hours at the gaming table!

192 pages

Ruinen framträdde som en hägring, när styggelsedimmorna äntligen började lätta efter vår andlösa flykt. Bakom oss saktade jägarna in – varken urstyggelsen eller de tjattrande, klösande, korruptionsosande svärmarna tycktes vara beredda att lämna dimbankens mjölkvita djup.

Vi stannade inte. Den brutna pyramiden framför oss var som slukad av Davokar, nedsjunken och överväxt, ändå framstod den oregelbundna öppningen som vägen mot trygghet och vila. Vi trängde igenom växtdraperiet, firade oss tre eller fyra manslängder ned till ruinens golv. Där lät vi skräcken och korruptionen sjunka undan; de svartnade ådrorna på Oleanas benbleka kinder tonade ut i takt med att paniken lämnade hennes blick.

Solljus föll in genom sprickor högre upp i pyramiden. Salen var enorm och våra blickar drogs genast mot pelaren i dess mitt – naken mörkgrå sten, mejslad i främmande former, hypnotiserande i sin slitna prakt. Vi hade nått halvvägs mot dess fot och började kunna urskilja de insektoida detaljerna, när Oleana greppade min överarm, fick mig att göra halt.

”Som styggelser ur dimma”, hann jag tänka när de långsamt lösgjorde sig från mörkret, slöt sig om oss; mänskliga och ändå inte, nakna, med spindelkäftarna lystet spelande.

I samma ögonblick som Oleana knuffade mig fram mot pelaren visste jag att det var hopplöst; i samma stund som jag började klättra visste jag att jag skulle dö. Men jag klättrade ändå, med min faders ord ringande i öronen: ”I Davokar gäller bara en enda lag: vad som än händer, ge aldrig upp!”


Symbaroums Monsterkodex gör davokarregionens bosättningar, skogar och dalgångar farligare och mer förunderliga än någonsin förr! Mellan dessa pärmar trängs ett hundratal varelser, monster och styggelser – vissa välkända, andra bara omtalade i sagor och legender; vissa ostoppbart hungrande, andra möjliga att förhandla med; vissa presenterade med ingående beskrivningar och konkreta äventyrsuppslag, andra introducerade i all regelmässig enkelhet. Kombinerat med reglerna och riktlinjerna för skapandet av egna monstruösa motståndare vågar vi lova att detta bestiarium inrymmer material för hundratals dramatiska, för att inte säga hårresande, timmar kring spelbordet.

Ett trettiotal fullödigt beskrivna och illustrerade varelser, som alla kan ligga till grund för unika äventyr och utmaningar i Symbaroums spelvärld.

En hel sektion innehållande nära hundra korta beskrivningar och värden för generiska spelledarpersoner, monster, vilddjur och styggelser.

De nya kategorierna Flora och Fenomen tillsammans med knappt fyrtio monstruösa särdrag att addera till grundbokens nitton, däribland Rotmur, Slukare och Väldig.

Riktlinjer för skapandet av egna varelser samt för utformningen av stridsutmaningar som är lämpliga för dina spelares rollpersoner.

Förslag rörande utformningen av tre typer av rollspelskrönikor som utnyttjar bestiariets olika varelser och monster – Troféjägare, Monsterutforskare samt Ockulta problemlösare.

Notera att denna produkt förutsätter att du har tillgång till Symbaroums grundbok samt att den utan innehållet i Spelarens handbok inte kommer till sin fulla rätt.

Symbaroum RPG


This item is for the original media, and includes only the media (ie. CD, floppy ...) UNLESS specifically stated above and/or in the title. If more than just the media is included, it will state which items are (ie. box, manual, etc ). Items that come in a sleeve refer to a generic CD sleeve (typically white) and will be sent with shipping protection to avoid damage during transit. If available, we will also send the front and/or back CD inserts if in stock. If these are important to you, please message us to verify we have them available to send. Please do not assume items are included other than what's stated. Again, ask questions PRIOR to purchasing if you have any concerns.


All images/pictures are stock photos and are for reference only, mainly to show the type of game you will be getting. Please read "WHAT YOU GET" for what is included with the media. Screenshots may vary based on your own computer system, video card, monitor, etc.


Computers are like people, each one is different. Unlike console games, a computer game may install and work flawlessly on one system but may need adjustments on another. This is due to a variety of factors, mainly the OS platform running, video card you have, drivers, protection software installed, etc. Many times manufacturers release updates to games to fix bugs and add enhancements. We would be happy to help get the game going on your computer, but ultimately compatibility issues are the responsibility of the buyer. We suggest going to Google and searching for the name of the game along with the words "system requirements" to determine if your system is suitable. Ultimately, we are not responsible for software compatibility problems or publisher's errors.


Stated within the auction is what platform the game will work on (ie. Windows, Mac, Linux...) This is a generic statement and specific platform versions (ie. XP, Vista...) will have to be researched by the buyer. Games that came out PRIOR to XP or higher will not specifically state they will work on that release, but only because they came out before those versions were made. Many, if not most, will work on XP or higher with a few quick adjustments. We provide instructions with all items purchased on how to do this adjustment using the Program Compatibility Wizard. If we find out that an item will definately not work on a specific version, we will state it. For DOS games, you may need to play it with a free DOSbox program if the Program Compatibility Wizard does not work.

64-Bit Windows OS Systems:
For 64-bit Operating Systems, older games most likely will NOT work due to 64-bit systems not being able to run 16-bit programming code (most games prior to 2000). For DOS games, you may need to play it with a free DOSbox program.

Macintosh Systems:
For Macintosh programs, most older games will need to be run in Classic Environment if you have a MAC OS X 10.0 - 10.4 version. Please research Google on how to do this, or send us a message for information prior to purchasing. If your MAC OS system doesn't support Classic Environment (ie. MAC OS X 10.5 or Higher OR Intel Macs), you will have to try running it using the free program called SheepShaver, but compatibility is not ensured. Please research prior to purchasing or ask questions.


Please verify you have the required hardware in order to use the specified media (ie. CD, DVD, floppy drives, etc.) If the item comes as a floppy disc, make sure you have either the needed 3.5" floppy drive or the bigger and older 5.25" floppy drive.


  • Ask questions PRIOR to purchasing an order to avoid any confusion.
  • Be patient if there are problems during installation or gameplay. Typically someone else has already ran into that problem and has listed a solution online. Contact us and we will do our best to help.
  • Be sure to update your video card drivers and search for updates to the game from the manufacturer.


    We typically ship all items out within 1-2 business days after payment is received. In regards to the stated shipping and handling, remember that these costs include more than just postage.

    International buyers please email/chat with us to determine if you are eligible for shipping of a specific product. If you are, then international buyers not shipping to an address within the U.S. can expect their orders to take anywhere from 5 days to 4 weeks to be received, depending on how fast/well USPS is moving. Additionally, international orders typically have to go through governmental customs, which can delay the arrival process. Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. Customs fees are normally charged by the shipping company or collected when you pick the item up. These fees are not additional shipping charges.