Symbaroum: Spelledarens Handbok Swedish

Symbaroum: Spelledarens Handbok HARDCOVER RPG BOOK game masters SWEDISH LANGUAGE 

Audio Book 


Fria Ligan 



Symbaroum: Spelarens Handbok (aka Gamemaster's Handbook)

Swedish language hardcover book add-on for the Role-playing game
. Great condition! Awesome artwork. Could always use the translator on your phone if you want to translate the book into english, but would take some work.

With the Game Leader's Handbook, Symbaroum's collection of basic books is complete! Between the virtual binders are three well-fed sections that are meant to inspire and support game leaders in everything from creating their own adventures to conducting sessions around the game table. Whether you choose to embrace everything head on or just pick the goodies out of the cake, the book's tips and rule options will help you make adventuring in the game world of Symbaroum even more musty, exciting and memorable.

152 pages

Det var dödstyst i leden, så andlöst spänt att knarret från våra läderrustningar kändes öronbedövande; lika tyst som det sedan tre veckor tillbaka hade varit från posteringen ute i Davokar. Till och med de hyrsvärd som vår Herre hade anställt i ett försök att tippa oddsen till sin fördel verkade förstå allvaret – de avslutade kolonnen, okaraktäristiskt taktfasta, osedvanligt sammanbitna. Tysta.

Vi visste ingenting om vad som väntade. Spejarna hade inte kommit tillbaka, varken den första eller andra grupp som vi skickat till utposten. Några av de senares brevduvor återvände, men utan information om vad som hade hänt. Handlade det om en krigisk gren av Kariternas klan? Om ett härjande härskartroll eller en rovdjursflock? Om en uråldrig eller urmörk smitta, eller rent av om någon kringstrykande styggelse?

Sanningen visade sig vara värre än så: Järnpaktens krigare, uppbackade av järnsvurna barbarer. De anföll utan frågor, utan tvekan, utan nåd – ur skuggorna, från lövverket, från bakom stock och sten och rotvältor. Mitt råd till dig som nu har tagit över förvaltningen av min Herres domän är enkelt: Låt dig nöja med vad som kan skördas under öppen himmel; det som skuggas av Davokars kronor är inte ditt att äga eller bärga. Acceptera det, eller anslut till de dödas skara ...


I och med Spelledarens handbok blir Symbaroums samling av grundböcker komplett! Mellan de virtuella pärmarna ryms tre välmatade sektioner som är menade att inspirera och stötta spelledare när det gäller allt från skapandet av egna äventyr till genomförandet av sessioner kring spelbordet. Oavsett om du väljer att anamma allt med hull och hår eller bara plockar godbitarna ur kakan, kommer bokens tips och regelalternativ hjälpa dig att göra äventyrandet i Symbaroums spelvärld ännu mer mustigt, spännande och minnesvärt.



Sektionen Äventyret, med kapitel som berör skapandet av spelvärldar, krönikor och äventyrslandskap samt av äventyr som utspelar sig i Undervärlden, Bortomvärlden och Andevärlden. Dessutom erbjuder det tips rörande utformningen av scenarion för erfarna rollpersoner och riktlinjer för så kallat Troppspel i Symbaroum.

Sektionen Utmaningarna, innehållande regelalternativ för fältslag, avancerade fällor och sociala utmaningar. Till detta kommer kapitel om Ceremonimagi (inklusive sexton ceremonier), utfärder i Davokar, utforskandet av ruiner, skapandet av legendariska varelser och om hur att regelmässigt hantera rollpersoner som äger och förvaltar ett mindre landområde.

Sektionen Belöningarna, vilken erbjuder förslag om annorlunda sätt att belöna rollpersonerna och deras spelare, vid sidan om Erfarenhet och klingande mynt. Kapitlen presenterar också riktlinjer för utformningen av det som i Symbaroum kallas Kuriositeter, Mystiska skatter och Artefakter, varefter boken avrundas med beskrivningen av inte mindre än 27 artefakter – alla kopplade till varsitt äventyrsuppslag.

Denna bok utgår från att du har tillgång till Symbaroums regelbok, samt att den inte kommer till sin fulla rätt utan Spelarens handbok och Symbaroum – Monsterkodex.

Symbaroum RPG


This item is for the original media, and includes only the media (ie. CD, floppy ...) UNLESS specifically stated above and/or in the title. If more than just the media is included, it will state which items are (ie. box, manual, etc ). Items that come in a sleeve refer to a generic CD sleeve (typically white) and will be sent with shipping protection to avoid damage during transit. If available, we will also send the front and/or back CD inserts if in stock. If these are important to you, please message us to verify we have them available to send. Please do not assume items are included other than what's stated. Again, ask questions PRIOR to purchasing if you have any concerns.


All images/pictures are stock photos and are for reference only, mainly to show the type of game you will be getting. Please read "WHAT YOU GET" for what is included with the media. Screenshots may vary based on your own computer system, video card, monitor, etc.


Computers are like people, each one is different. Unlike console games, a computer game may install and work flawlessly on one system but may need adjustments on another. This is due to a variety of factors, mainly the OS platform running, video card you have, drivers, protection software installed, etc. Many times manufacturers release updates to games to fix bugs and add enhancements. We would be happy to help get the game going on your computer, but ultimately compatibility issues are the responsibility of the buyer. We suggest going to Google and searching for the name of the game along with the words "system requirements" to determine if your system is suitable. Ultimately, we are not responsible for software compatibility problems or publisher's errors.


Stated within the auction is what platform the game will work on (ie. Windows, Mac, Linux...) This is a generic statement and specific platform versions (ie. XP, Vista...) will have to be researched by the buyer. Games that came out PRIOR to XP or higher will not specifically state they will work on that release, but only because they came out before those versions were made. Many, if not most, will work on XP or higher with a few quick adjustments. We provide instructions with all items purchased on how to do this adjustment using the Program Compatibility Wizard. If we find out that an item will definately not work on a specific version, we will state it. For DOS games, you may need to play it with a free DOSbox program if the Program Compatibility Wizard does not work.

64-Bit Windows OS Systems:
For 64-bit Operating Systems, older games most likely will NOT work due to 64-bit systems not being able to run 16-bit programming code (most games prior to 2000). For DOS games, you may need to play it with a free DOSbox program.

Macintosh Systems:
For Macintosh programs, most older games will need to be run in Classic Environment if you have a MAC OS X 10.0 - 10.4 version. Please research Google on how to do this, or send us a message for information prior to purchasing. If your MAC OS system doesn't support Classic Environment (ie. MAC OS X 10.5 or Higher OR Intel Macs), you will have to try running it using the free program called SheepShaver, but compatibility is not ensured. Please research prior to purchasing or ask questions.


Please verify you have the required hardware in order to use the specified media (ie. CD, DVD, floppy drives, etc.) If the item comes as a floppy disc, make sure you have either the needed 3.5" floppy drive or the bigger and older 5.25" floppy drive.


  • Ask questions PRIOR to purchasing an order to avoid any confusion.
  • Be patient if there are problems during installation or gameplay. Typically someone else has already ran into that problem and has listed a solution online. Contact us and we will do our best to help.
  • Be sure to update your video card drivers and search for updates to the game from the manufacturer.


    We typically ship all items out within 1-2 business days after payment is received. In regards to the stated shipping and handling, remember that these costs include more than just postage.

    International buyers please email/chat with us to determine if you are eligible for shipping of a specific product. If you are, then international buyers not shipping to an address within the U.S. can expect their orders to take anywhere from 5 days to 4 weeks to be received, depending on how fast/well USPS is moving. Additionally, international orders typically have to go through governmental customs, which can delay the arrival process. Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. Customs fees are normally charged by the shipping company or collected when you pick the item up. These fees are not additional shipping charges.